Error? I don`t know how to fix please help

If anyone knows how to help, me and my friends are writing a code, and I keep getting this error and it doesn’t run, very new to dynare and I don`t know how to fix. If someone could help me out please do. Thank you very much for your time.

dynare RBC_carbon.mod
Starting Dynare (version 5.4).
Calling Dynare with arguments: none
Starting preprocessing of the model file …
ERROR: RBC_carbon.mod: line 77, cols 1-6: syntax error, unexpected NAME

Error using dynare
Dynare: preprocessing failed

Without the file it is impossible to tell. But it may be a missing semicolon at the end of the previous line.

Here`s the full code professor. We are currently struggling with making omega1 between 0.05 and 1, I was hoping to find out how it can be done. Thank you so much for your time! If I need to send the file itself I can do that also.

%% RBC model - All 
%% By Ghassane Benmir, October 2023

% First declare all the endogenous variables: 

    c       % Consumption  
    l       % Labour
    g       % Government Spending
    t       % Taxes/Transfers
    w       % Wages
    y       % Output 
    rF      % Risk free rate 
    b       % Bonds supply
    lambda  % The lagrangian with respect to consumption and savings (bonds) - also represents the marginal utility of consumption
    e_a     % The shock variable within the law of motion to output
    em      % Emissions
    miu     % Abatement
    ctax    % Carbon tax


% Second declare all the exogenous variables: 
    eta_a     % The exogenous output shock

% Third declare all the parameters : 


% Third (bis) calibration for all the params 

beta       = 0.9959;                % Time preference 
alpha      = 1/3;                   % Share of capital income
chi        = 12;                    % Level of disutility (we calibrate it such that we have l=1/3 at the Steady state)
phi        = 1;                     % Frisch elasticity of labour disutility
l0         = 1/3;                   % Hours worked (1/3 of 24h a day)
y0         = 1;                     % Exogenous Income or GDP  
b0         = 0;                     % Fixed supply of bonds (Net-zero supply)
g0         = .3;                    % Gog spending as % of GDP (30% here)
sdev_a     = .01;                   % Standard deviation of the exogenous shock to income
rho_a      = .9;                    % The shock persistence level
sig_a      = 1;                     % The signe of the shock (1 if positive, -1 is negative)
phi_em     = 0.3;                   % emission intensity
omega1     = 0.1;                   % abatement cost parameter 1
omega2     = 2.7;                   % abatement cost parameter 2

% Fourth delcare your model (i.e. the FOCs and Equations of the model) 


%%%% Households Side %%%%

[name='FOC w.r.t to b: Euler Equation']
lambda = rF(+1)*beta*lambda(+1);

[name='FOC w.r.t to c: Marginal Utility of Consumption']
c = 1/lambda;

[name='FOC w.r.t to l: Disutility of labour']
w = chi*l^phi/lambda;

[name='Consumer Budget Constraint']
b = rF(-1)*b(-1) + w(-1)*l(-1) - t(-1) - c(-1); 
% y = c + i + g ; % (this is the same equation)

%%%% Firms Side %%%%

[name='Emission abatement']
em = (1-miu)*phi*y;

[name='FOC w.r.t l']
w = (1-alpha)*e_a*l^(-alpha);

[name='FOC w.r.t miu']
phi_em = -(omega1*omega2*(miu^(omega2-1)));

[name='FOC w.r.t em']
ctax = 1;

%%%% Government Spending %%%%

[name='Gov Spending']
g = g0*y;

[name='Gov Budget Constraint']
g = t ;

%%%% Market Clearing conditions (to close the model)

[name='Supply of bonds']
b = b0  ;

%%%% Exogenous shock law of motion %%%%

[name='Law of motion of the output shock']
log(e_a) = rho_a*log(e_a(-1)) +sig_a*eta_a;


% Fifth delcare your steady state 


e_a = 1 ;

%% Analytically without a solver (uncomment all the lines but comment the solver line)
% l = l0 ;
% b = b0 ;
% rF = 1/beta;
% rK = 1/beta - (1-delta) ;
% k_y = alpha/rK ;
% y = (e_a*k_y^(alpha)*l^(1-alpha))^(1/(1-alpha)) ;
% w = (1-alpha)*y/l ;
% k = alpha*y/rK ;
% i = delta*k;
% g = g0*y;
% t = g ;
% c = y - i - g ;
% lambda = 1/c ;
% q = lambda ; 
% chi = w*lambda/l^phi ; % % This to make sure l = 1/3 at the steady state

% Sixth conduct all the checks (Residual, Blanchard-Khan ...) 
steady;     % Provides you with the steady states values
resid(1);   % Allow you to check if you computed correctly the steady states equations
check;      % Checks the Blanchard Khan conditions to see if the model is well set

% Seventh declare the shocks 


var eta_a; stderr sdev_a ; 


% Eight performe the simulation 

stoch_simul (order=1, pruning, irf=30) c t y l lambda rF em miu ctax w ;

Could it be that you are missing some operators like * in your equations? For instance in your first equation there are obviously some *'s missing but also in your Emission abatement equation. Carefully check all of your equations.

You are missing the end of the steady_state_model-block. If you fix that, will get various problems. Foremost is the wrong number of equations.
rbc_test.mod (5.1 KB)