Erreur de compilation

did you see?

I told you to fix the data treatment. How should the mod-file help to check that?

I tried but I can’t do it, I’m in an area where the DSGE models are neglected, so I don’t have a guide or a specialist to help me.
Frankly and I ask you once again to try to correct the data processing I tried to read the document but I can’t.

salim_b_DSGE.mod (12.6 KB)
NIGER.xlsx (17.3 KB)

consider me as your student
I have a thirst for learning and I want to improve myself

If you are not capable of understanding the reference document and act accordingly, you have reached a point where progress can only be made via intensive one on one counseling. I don’t have the resources to provide that.

it’s good; thanks a lot I found the solution

Hello Professor
excuse me for the inconvenience i would like to have a mod file that dealt only with the inflation targeting strategy

thank you very much

What do you mean? Gali’s whole book is concerned with this.

Good evening dear Professor Johanes,
I am coming to you with a view to benefiting from a mod file that has dealt with the rule of exchange rate targetingGood evening dear Professor Johanes, please excuse me for this long silence, I am coming to you with a view to benefiting from a mod file that has dealt with the rule of exchange rate targeting and a second mod file that deals withGood evening dear Professor Johanes, please excuse me for this long silence, I am coming to you with a view to benefiting from a mod file that dealt with the exchange rate targeting rule and a second mod file that deals with the impact of monetary policy on economic growth, thank you very muchthe exchange rate targeting rule and a second mod file that deals with the impact of monetary policy on economic rate targeting rule and a second mod file that deals with the impact of monetary policy on economic growth

Good evening dear Professor Johanes,
I am coming to you with a view to benefiting from a mod file that has dealt with the rule of exchange rate targetingGood evening dear Professor Johanes, please excuse me for this long silence, I am coming to you with a view to benefiting from a mod file that has dealt with the rule of exchange rate targeting and a second mod file that deals withGood evening dear Professor Johanes, please excuse me for this long silence, I am coming to you with a view to benefiting from a mod file that dealt with the exchange rate targeting rule and a second mod file that deals with the impact of monetary policy on economic growth, thank you very muchthe exchange rate targeting rule and a second mod file that deals with the impact of monetary policy on economic rate targeting rule and a second mod file that deals with the impact of monetary policy on economic growth

Sorry, but your post is garbled to due some strange copy and pasting. What exactly is the question?

Hello Professor, how are you?
I want a mod file of a study on the impact of monetary policy on economic growth

What type of model did you have in mind? Usually, people don’t investigate the role of nominal factors for economic growth. Most of the time, the focus is on business cycles.

I haven’t made an estimate yet I don’t even know how to introduce Bayesian

Sorry, but that is not an actionable question.

okay, no problem, I want the mod file that takes the business cycle into account.

hello Professor please have a look at my model.
it runs but output does not show me the correlation matrix and the shocks.

please find attached my mod file for an eventual correction.

as well as the output of the matlab command.

I want to know what the problem is.
thank you very much

nassam.mod (3.3 KB)

  1. Your second and third equation are incorrectly linearized. They still contain a constant.
  2. Your timing is incorrect, e.g. in the Phillips Curve there should be a forward looking variable.

thank you very much for the corrections.

Please see the following problem

thank you very much

nassam.mod (3.1 KB)


 #Yss = ((Rss/(Rss-delta*alphai))^(sigma/(sigma+omega))) *(((1-alphai)^(-omega))*((Wi/Pss)^(1+omega)))^(1/(sigma+omega));

why is there still a variable Wi?