Dynare_sensitivity error

I met a problem when I run dynare_sensitivity. the result was as follow,

“All parameter values in the specified ranges are not acceptable!”

But Ican found steady state before run dynare_sensitivity.

Furthermore, “All parameter values” were set wrongly which made me donot know how to result the problem.
Anyone can help me? mp.mod in attached file.
mp.mod (7.05 KB)

Dear Lizeze,

I tried to run your code in Dynare 4.0.4 and I got the following error message:

[code]??? Undefined function or variable ‘e1’.

Error in ==> irf at 61
ex2(drop+1,:slight_smile: = ex2(drop+1,:)+e1’;

Error in ==> stoch_simul at 130
y=irf(oo_.dr,cs(M_.exo_names_orig_ord,i), options_.irf,
options_.drop, …

Error in ==> mp at 240
info = stoch_simul(var_list_);

Error in ==> dynare at 102
evalin(‘base’,fname) ;[/code]

Which version of dynare you use? Can you provide your log file here (you find it in the same folder as your source code is).
