Dynare not creating output & graph folders

Hi all,

I’m running the following .mod file

var dc, dd, x, m, pd, pc, uc, rm, exr, rf, rc, Q, q;
varexo ec, ex, ed;

parameters alpha, delta, gamma, mu, phi, psi, rho, theta;

alpha = 0.33333333333333337;
delta = 0.999;
gamma = 10;
mu = 0.0015;
phi = 2.0;
psi = 1.5;
rho = 0.98;
theta = -0.03703703703703704;

dc = mu + x(-1) + ec;
dd = mu + phi*x(-1) + ec + ed;
x = rho*x(-1) + ex;
Q = exp((1-gamma)*(dc(+1) + uc(+1)));
q = log(Q);
exp((1-(1/psi))*uc) = (1-delta) + delta*exp(theta*q);
exp(m+1/psi*dc) = delta*exp((1-theta)*(1-gamma)*(uc+dc))*exp(-(1-theta)*q(-1));
1/exp(rf) = exp(m(+1));
exp(rm) = (1+exp(pd))/exp(pd(-1))*exp(dd);
exp(rc) = (1+exp(pc))/exp(pc(-1))*exp(dc);
exp(pc) = exp(m(+1))*(1+exp(pc(+1)))*exp(dc(+1));
exp(pd) = exp(m(+1))*(1+exp(pd(+1)))*exp(dd(+1));
exr = rm - rf(-1);

dc = 0.0015;
dd = 0.0015;
x = 0;
m = -0.0020005003335835346;
rf = 0.0020005003335835346;
pd = 7.599652032104374;
rm = 0.0020005003335835346;
rc = 0.0020005003335835346;
pc = 7.599652032104374;
uc = 2.0771917603668;
Q = 7.5010273686314e-09;
q = -18.708225843301204;
exr = 0;

var ec = 3.600000000000e-05;
var ex = 9.000000000000e-08;
var ed = 1.296000000000e-03;

order   = 2;
options_.solve_tolf = 1e-10; // Ensure it's numeric
stoch_simul(order=2, nograph, irf=0, periods=10000); // Example: Disable IRFs

As far as I understand:

  1. if graph is not removed, a graph folder should be created and the figures saved there
  2. if simulated to be solved, an output folder should be created and the .mat file svaed there
    however, neither 1 and 2 are happening and i get the error:

Cannot create ‘.mat’ because '/Output’ does not exist.

I tried to change the permissions of the folder to see whether that was the ase but it’s not working.

Do you know what could be happening?

Thank you very much

  1. With irf=0 there is no figure to be created.
  2. Can you provide the full error message? I cannot replicate the error message. Is the folder synched on a cloud drive?