Hi all,
I’m running the following .mod file
var dc, dd, x, m, pd, pc, uc, rm, exr, rf, rc, Q, q;
varexo ec, ex, ed;
parameters alpha, delta, gamma, mu, phi, psi, rho, theta;
alpha = 0.33333333333333337;
delta = 0.999;
gamma = 10;
mu = 0.0015;
phi = 2.0;
psi = 1.5;
rho = 0.98;
theta = -0.03703703703703704;
dc = mu + x(-1) + ec;
dd = mu + phi*x(-1) + ec + ed;
x = rho*x(-1) + ex;
Q = exp((1-gamma)*(dc(+1) + uc(+1)));
q = log(Q);
exp((1-(1/psi))*uc) = (1-delta) + delta*exp(theta*q);
exp(m+1/psi*dc) = delta*exp((1-theta)*(1-gamma)*(uc+dc))*exp(-(1-theta)*q(-1));
1/exp(rf) = exp(m(+1));
exp(rm) = (1+exp(pd))/exp(pd(-1))*exp(dd);
exp(rc) = (1+exp(pc))/exp(pc(-1))*exp(dc);
exp(pc) = exp(m(+1))*(1+exp(pc(+1)))*exp(dc(+1));
exp(pd) = exp(m(+1))*(1+exp(pd(+1)))*exp(dd(+1));
exr = rm - rf(-1);
dc = 0.0015;
dd = 0.0015;
x = 0;
m = -0.0020005003335835346;
rf = 0.0020005003335835346;
pd = 7.599652032104374;
rm = 0.0020005003335835346;
rc = 0.0020005003335835346;
pc = 7.599652032104374;
uc = 2.0771917603668;
Q = 7.5010273686314e-09;
q = -18.708225843301204;
exr = 0;
var ec = 3.600000000000e-05;
var ex = 9.000000000000e-08;
var ed = 1.296000000000e-03;
order = 2;
options_.solve_tolf = 1e-10; // Ensure it's numeric
stoch_simul(order=2, nograph, irf=0, periods=10000); // Example: Disable IRFs
As far as I understand:
- if graph is not removed, a graph folder should be created and the figures saved there
- if simulated to be solved, an output folder should be created and the .mat file svaed there
however, neither 1 and 2 are happening and i get the error:
Cannot create ‘.mat’ because '/Output’ does not exist.
I tried to change the permissions of the folder to see whether that was the ase but it’s not working.
Do you know what could be happening?
Thank you very much