Dynare Mod file

Hi Everyone,
I am completely new user of Dynare.I want to know how to check the data file used in mod?

Thank you in Advance

Hi, Do you mean the data used for estimation? After the estimation, you should see graphs called “Historical and smoothed variables”. They show the observed variables and the smoothed variables (they must be identical if the estimation is carried out without measurement errors). The data are also in a dseries object called dataset_ in the global workspace. For instance, if you run fs2000.mod (available in the examples subfolder), then:

>> dataset_
dataset_ is a dseries object:
     | gp_obs     | gy_obs    
1Y   | -0.0044494 | 0.037644  
2Y   | 0.0038943  | 0.026348  
3Y   | 0.02251    | 0.032969  
4Y   | 0.016689   | 0.016172  
5Y   | 0.038235   | 0.0046795 
6Y   | 0.0046142  | 0.01418   
7Y   | 0.00051138 | 0.014459  
8Y   | 0.01169    | -0.0031506
9Y   | -0.0010111 | 0.0066556 
10Y  | 0.0025259  | -0.0040636
     |            |           
182Y | 0.0045797  | -0.0013244
183Y | 0.0047444  | 0.0056111 
184Y | 0.0049991  | 0.0043686 
185Y | 0.005709   | 0.0062635 
186Y | 0.0030254  | 0.012522  
187Y | 0.0045666  | 0.0027858 
188Y | 0.0044552  | 0.008093  
189Y | 0.0069611  | 0.0084577 
190Y | 0.0038664  | 0.0076073 
191Y | 0.0029571  | 0.0079382 
192Y | 0.0028592  | 0.0048773 


Descriptive statistics about the observed variables and raw data (different from the data in dataset_, entering in the computation of the likelihood, if a filter was applied) are available in the structure dataset_info (also in the global workspace).


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