Dynare in Julia available for testing

Dynare.jl, an alternative implementation of Dynare in Julia, is now ready for testing by users.

The following features are implemented:

  • steady state;
  • local approximation of the solution at 1st and 2nd order;
  • perfect foresight simulations;
  • forecasting;
  • optimal policy.

Julia is an open source programming language. It is recommended to use it with VScode. See also Julia in Visual Studio code.

Documentation is available at: https://DynareJulia.github.io/Dynare.jl.

Installation in Julia can be done with the following commands:

julia> using Pkg
julia> pkg"add Dynare"

Thank you for reporting any error, question or desired additional feature on the Dynare forum or as a GitHub issue.


Please attempt to find a way to use Dynare with python in Visual Studio code. Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and is open source.

Julia is also free and has a focus on scientific computing. It tends to perform better than Python and is therefore our choice. See e.g.

Actually, even though Julia is nice, we are also interested in Python, because of its ubiquity and huge potential. So in the future we may also offer a Python version. Nothing is done yet though.