I am a dynare beginner, replicating the iacoviello (2005) study. I want to include both cases of non-indexed debt and indexed debt in one mod file, but I am getting an error. Let me briefly explain the approach I took.
added ‘indexed’ to parameters.
added ‘indexed = 0’ to the last line of the set_param_value part. (The reason we didn’t specify it as set_param_value is because the file we loaded, ‘iaco_param_base_nonlin’, doesn’t have ‘indexed’).
However, I didn’t quite understand where to start and how to apply it to the code I have, so if you don’t mind, could you give me a little more detail? I’ve removed all the conditional statements from the file I originally attached and reattached the code in its default state. iacoviello_2005_base_nonlin.mod (3.2 KB) Figure2_oo.m (1.9 KB)
What I want to do is to firstly write a conditional statement in dynare for when it is indexed debt and when it is not, for example, in equation (3) in dynare, the infl(+1) term should not be there when it is indexed debt and it should be there when it is not.
And in MATLAB, it’s about graphing both situations at the same time.