Distributing stoch_simul in Julia

Dear Dynare Developers,

I am trying to run stoch_simul!() in a distributed loop on multiple workers. While stoch_simul!() runs perfectly on the master process, it fails on the distributed workers. The error message is related to the calculation of static residuals. It is a mystery to me why the function call works on the master process, while it fails on the distributed workers, despite having the same thread-safe inputs.

Attached is example3.mod from the Dynare repo, which I slightly modified by muting all CSV-related output.

example3.mod (1.2 KB)

My MWE is attached here:
debug_distr_stoch_simul.txt (593 Bytes)

Note that I saved my .jl file as a .txt file because uploading .jl files is not (yet?) allowed on this forum :slight_smile:

I would be very grateful for your help.
Dominik Hecker

That is a question for @MichelJuillard
I have just allowed the jl filetype on the forum.