Display my data


When running my file with occbin constraint and simulation, I struggle to get all the data I got before I implemented the occbin toolkit and ran regular simulation. I only get steady states and eigenvalues but miss:

  • Model summary,
  • policy and transitions functions,
  • approx. theoretical moments (name of variabkes with mean, std. dev.
  • variance, approx. matrix of correlation between variables
  • coeffcients of autocorrelation

Now I do see that not all of this is in the files either… For instance mean, std. dev, variance decomposition is not even there.

How do I find them.
And how do I display that? I tried using disp command with no luck
yes.mod (10.6 KB)

Those statistics are not available as they are largely not applicable.

  1. The piecewise linear solution features time-varying matrices that depend on the specified shocks. That make displaying policy and transition functions impractical as you have a different one for each period.
  2. The time-varying nature of the decision rules implies that the system is not ergodic. Thus, displaying moments is typically not a good way to summarize the properties of the model.

Thank you Professor, this seems to solve my issue!