Darshan Hiranandani : Troubleshooting Undefined Symbol Error with External Shocks in DSGE Model (Dynare)

Hi everyone,

I’m Darshan Hiranandani, currently running a DSGE model in Dynare (version 5.0.4) that includes external shocks, but I’m encountering the following error when executing the simulation:

“Error: The model file contains an undefined symbol or syntax issue.” :confused:

I’ve reviewed the model equations and parameters, and I’m confident all symbols are properly defined with no syntax issues in the model file. The external shocks are defined within the shocks block.

Here are my setup details:

  • Dynare Version: 5.0.4
  • Operating System: Windows 11

I’ve also consulted the Dynare Reference Manual (version 6.1) and relevant documentation but am still stuck.

Has anyone faced a similar issue or have suggestions for troubleshooting this error? Any insights would be much appreciated!

Thank you in advance!
Darshan Hirannadani

In such cases, you need to provide the file in question.