Conditinal forecast


I have some problem using conditional_forecast, when i specify path for endogenous variable it works and correct forecasted values are produced. however, I also, would like to add controlled path for a shock, which is decleared as
varexo_det , the problem is that the conditional forecast is absolutly insensitive to the path of the varexo_det shock. I am atteching the mod file that calls other mode files (decalaration of model variables, equations, parameters, histvalues and path for controled vars), unfortunaly, i can not share all of the files, becouse it quite large. but I think that the problem must me somewhere in the master file runmod.mod , if any. Could anyone has some recomendation how to combaine the scenario for some shock (defined as varexo_det) into conditional forecast. also,
runmod.mod (2.2 KB)
could you see any obvious problem with the file?

varexo_det is not compatible with conditional_forecast.

thanks for answering. Could you recommend any alternative for setting path for variables (hard tunes) and aslo, setting path for some shocks (soft tunes) simultanously in dynare?