Hi everyone,
I’ve been working with climate models recently, and every time I try to run my model with Dynare (on Octave), I keep getting an error saying that the Blanchard-Kahn conditions aren’t satisfied. I understand the theory behind these conditions, and I’ve read about five papers that run similar models (though they don’t provide the code). I’ve worked through the conditions myself of all of them, incorporated them into Dynare, and tried to replicate the results, but everytime I get the same message about Blanchard conditions.
The specific model I’m working on is a DSGE from Angelopoulos et al. (2010), but I’ve also tried other RBC models, and I run into the same issue with the Blanchard-Kahn conditions. If anyone has experience with this or can offer some guidance, I’d be incredibly grateful. (It’s the first semester I’m working with this program, and I’m so frustrated)
Modelo16.mod (862 Bytes)
Thanks in advance for any help!