Could you please let me know why I cannot use the “clear all” command at the top of the dynare file as in Matlab? While “close all” and “clc” work just fine as in Matlab? please find below the screenshot of the error message.
You are supposed to run clear all before calling Dynare, not within the mod-file. If you really not to clear the workspace every time you run Dynare, you can write a Matlab script with just the clear all and the call to Dynare.
could you please let me know what’s wrong the this mod file. The idea is to switch between two regimes: IT targeting and NGDP targeting (lines 140-147)
[quote=“Julie, post:5, topic:25779”]
I didn’t compute IRFs, but did compare mean and variance of taxes between 2 regimes by using the update code attached here: test_updated.mod (11.9 KB)
I tried to clean up your files. Please continue working with them. I introduced a macro switch to switch between cases: steady_helper.m (217 Bytes) test_updated.mod (9.9 KB) run_test_updated.m (73 Bytes)