Bug in dseries/minus.m

Hi all,

It looks like you’ve been hard at work rewriting dseries for version 5 (and that this bug appears to be fixed in it), but the stable version you have posted on your site has a bug in matlab/@dseries/minus.m on line 48:

A.data = bsxfun(@minus,C.data,B);

Should be

A.data = bsxfun(@minus,B,C.data);


Is there any possibility that you can update the downloads on your site to fix this problem? Or do you have a list of known issues to reference for problems like this?


Thanks for pointing this out. I have added it to the Bug list at dynare.org/DynareWiki/KnownBugs. We cannot update the stable version, but we make sure bugs are documented and fixed in the next version.