Basic NK model non-linear

Dear forum,
I seem to have a problem with my code of a non-linearised basic NK model.
While first-order IRFS seem fine, second-order IRFS appear very weird (no smooth coming back to steady state but rather kinky jumps).
I wonder whether one here has a simple explanation for this.
the code reads

close all; clc; 
C %consumption
R %nominal interest rate
Pie %gross inflation
w %real wage
N %labour
mc %real marginal costs
Y %output
x1 %auxiliary variable (Schmitt-Grohé and Uribe)
x2 %see above
pop %optimal price divided by actual aggregate price level 
d %price dispersion
psi; %monetary policy shock
varexo err;  

parameters beta sigma kappa epsilon theta phi rho;
beta = 0.99; %discount factor
sigma = 3; %risk aversion
kappa = 3; %Frisch elasticity
epsilon = 11; %elast. of subs. btw. diff. goods
theta = 0.7; %Calvo parameter
phi = 1.5; %strength of monetary policy
rho = 0.9; %persistence of shock

C^(-sigma) = beta*(R/Pie(+1))*C(+1)^(-sigma); %Euler equation
N^(kappa)*C^(sigma) = w; %labour supply
mc = w; %real marginal costs (linear prod. fct) with A=1 (mc=w/A)
x1 = (epsilon/(epsilon-1))* x2; 
x1 = Y*pop^(1-epsilon) + (Pie(+1)*pop(+1)/pop)^(epsilon-1)*theta*beta*(1/Pie(+1))*(C(+1)/C)^(-sigma)*x1(+1); 
x2 = Y*pop^(-epsilon)*mc + (Pie(+1)*pop(+1)/pop)^(epsilon)*theta*beta*(1/Pie(+1))*(C(+1)/C)^(-sigma)*x2(+1);
1 = theta*Pie^(epsilon-1) + (1-theta)*pop^(1-epsilon); %'law of motion of prices'
C = Y; %market clearing
Y = N/d;  %production function
d = (1-theta)*pop^(-epsilon) + (theta*Pie^(epsilon))*d(-1); %law of motion of price dispersion
R = (1/beta)*Pie^(phi)+psi; %Taylor rule
psi = rho*psi(-1)+err; %monetary policy shock

var err=0.001;

Pie = 1; 
R = 1/beta;
mc = (epsilon-1)/epsilon;
w = mc; 
pop = 1; 
Y = C; 
N = C; 
d = 1; 
stoch_simul(periods=200,irf=20,order=2, pruning) Y d Pie ; 

Thanks in advance for any helpful comments!

Check whether the IRFs at first order make sense. If that is the case, increase replic
The kinkiness seems to result from not using enough replications for the generalized IRFs at order=2

[quote=“jpfeifer”]Check whether the IRFs at first order make sense. If that is the case, increase replic
The kinkiness seems to result from not using enough replications for the generalized IRFs at order=2[/quote]

Awesome! Problem solved! Thanks a lot Johannes :slight_smile: