
Presented by the Society for Computational Economics
Hosted by Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Southern Methodist University

Dallas, Texas, USA
June 17 through 19, 2022

CEF 2022

We encourage submissions in the fields (broadly defined) of macroeconomics,
finance, econometrics, agent-based modeling and computational methods.

Plenary Speakers
Markus Brunnermeier, Princeton University

Martin Eichenbaum, Northwestern University
Lilia Maliar, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Conference Co-Chairs
Nathan Balke, Southern Methodist University
Enrique Martínez García, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Scientific Committee

David Aikman, King’s College, London

Jasmina Arifovic, Simon Fraser University

Tiziana Assenza, Toulouse 1 Capitole University

Christiane Baumeister, University of Notre Dame

Luca Benati, University of Bern

Javier Bianchi, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Martin Bodenstein, Federal Reserve Board

Yongsung Chang, Seoul National University

Anton Cheremukhin, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Guillaume Chevillon, ESSEC Business School

Alex Chudik, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Stephen Cole, Marquette University

Silvio Contessi, Monash University

Scott Davis, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Klaus Desmet, Southern Methodist University

Paola Di Casola, European Central Bank

Roberto Duncan, Ohio University

Laurent Ferrara, SKEMA Business School

Andrea Ferrero, University of Oxford

Ippei Fujiwara, Keio University

Francesco Furlanetto, Norges Bank

Eddie Gerba, Bank of England

Domenico Giannone, Amazon.com

Jan Groen, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Xue-Zhong (Tony) He, University of Technology Sydney

Edward P. Herbst, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

Cars Hommes, University of Amsterdam & Bank of Canada

Giulia Iori, City University London

Michel Juillard, Banque de France

John Keating, University of Kansas

Sagiri Kitao, University of Tokyo

Christoffer Koch, International Monetary Fund

Thomas Lubik, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Rocío Madera, Southern Methodist University

Junior Maih, Norges Bank

Karel Mertens, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

James Morley, University of Sydney

Taisuke Nakata, University of Tokyo

Mauro Napoletano, University of Côte d’Azur

Galo Nuño, Bank of Spain

Chris Otrok, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Evi Pappa, Universidad Carlos III

Efthymios Pavlidis, Lancaster University Management School

Luba Petersen, Simon Fraser University

Johannes Pfeifer, Universität der Bundeswehr München

Mike Plante, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Bruce Preston, University of Melbourne

Francesco Ravazzolo, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano

Francesca Rondina, University of Ottawa

Tatevik Sekhposyan, Texas A&M University

Shuping Shi, Macquarie University

Mototsugu Shintani, University of Tokyo

Michael Sposi, Southern Methodist University

Andrea Tambalotti, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Robert J. Tetlow, Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Nathaniel Throckmorton, College of William & Mary

Josip Tica, University of Zagreb

Nora Traum, HEC Montréal

Víctor Valcárcel, University of Texas at Dallas

Volker Wieland, Goethe Universitat Frankfurt Am Main

Hakan Yalmizkuday, Florida International University

Kei-Mu Yi, University of Houston

Francesco Zanetti, Oxford University

Carlos Zarazaga, Southern Methodist University

Local Organizing Committee

Marc P. Giannoni, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Daniel L. Milimet, Southern Methodist University

Mark A. Wynne, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Full papers are not required at the time of submission, however preference
may be given to submissions which include full papers. Submit abstracts
(with or without full papers) online via Oxford Abstracts starting from the
conference website: Submissions

Abstract submissions due February 21, 2022
Authors of accepted papers will be notified by the end of March

Presenter registration required by April 15, 2022
Full papers are encouraged to be uploaded by May 31, 2022

(ideally full papers should accompany the submission)

Women’s Networking Lunch

Will be organized by Arunima Sinha, Fordham University. Details will be
available on the website in due course.

Pre-conference Workshops on Thursday, June 16

Details will be available on the website in due course.

Student Paper Contest
The SCE sponsors cash prizes for the best graduate student paper presented
at the conference. Details for eligibility and submission instructions will
be added to the website soon.


All presenters, including those whose papers have been invited or solicited
by members of the program committee, will be expected to register and pay
fees to attend the conference. Details will be posted on the conference
website in March 2022.

Visit the conference website CEF 2022

for more information or direct your questions via email to
cef2022@simplemeetings.com cef2022@simplemeetings.com.