If you use their toolbox I recommend using versions of Dynare from that time, anything before 4.6. After that version (or approximately that version) the structure of the Steady State files changed.
There are other (non dynare but structural) issues you may be having. If it’s the example models of Bodenstein et al 2019 there’s no issue. But if you have a model with more planners or so, then you may have problems with the Blanchard-Kahn conditions or with finding the Steady State of the Ramsey Model (maximization problem of the planner). In the first case (too many planners), you will have to use something different to their toolbox. In the other case (difficulty finding the Steady State), try to simplify the model as much as you can, usually too many restrictions they may not care about lead to zero-valued Lagrange multipliers for the planners that generate problems of singularity that the problem cannot get around to for estimation.
For the Steady state is also useful to follow Christiano, Motto, and Rostagno (2007):
In this case, you would be finding an Instrument Contingent Steady State (a slightly different concept than the usual steady state but that’s also a solution to the static system of equations of the Ramsey model)