Problem with ZLB implementation

Thank you for the bug correction

it is me again. A quick question, not entirely related to the discussion. What is the difference between the occbin toolbox of Iaccovelo and Dr Pfeifer implementation of Atkinson, T., A. W. Richter, and N. A. Throckmorton (2019). In that implementation there is three options to estimate the model with the ZLB. Which one corresponds to Iaccovelo?
Thank you

They use an inversion filter while you are using the PKF that was not available to them.

Thank you again.

I would need to see the files. There have been additional bugfixes that may not be fully operational.

I have not been able to replicate your error message in the unstable version.

Yes, that is my guess.

Hello everyone, hello professor. Sorry to bother again with that question. I downloaded the lastest unstable version of dynare. And for the same code that I posted last time, the computing time is significantly bigger. Moreover, it seems that the resid(1) option is not accepted anymore.

Please can I have some insights about that? Thank you.

  1. That may be due to recent fixes where incorrect periodic solution may have been accepted.
  2. For resid, see Breaking Features in Version 6 · Wiki · Dynare / dynare · GitLab

This is a bug in the error handling. @rattoma Could you please have a look how to treat this case?