Not enough input arguments ==> if isinteger(x)

Hi Mohamed,

you asked this question before and I send you code that does just that, why not just ask there if something is unclear? (Subplot construction - #2 by DoubleBass)
It should do just what you are trying to achieve, what is the exact problem?

In the code you linked above, as is also explained in the pseudo code I linked,

var = {}

contains the variables with the names you gave them in Dynare, not how you want them to be called afterwards. This is how Matlab evaluates them when you use

eval([‘irf1.’ var{1,jj},ending_cell{1,ii}])

Just look at the structures you create in irf1 for each variable. This is exactly what jpfeifer meant when he said that you did not define any variables for var. Hope this helps, otherwise just feel free to ask.


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