Dear professor Pfeifer,
thank you very much for your advice, my supervisor also suggested this approach, but I am not really sure, if this will work, so I plan to build steady state block with as much analytical symplifications as I would be able to derive, but I need to prepare such a “last resort” mechanism to be as sure, as possible, that I will be able to find steady state.
Is there some way, how to program this loop in dynare .mod file, or using looping over dynare file in Matlab? I saw some codes for looping over parameters, so I want to ask, if there is something like set_param_value() function for initial values. I will use this brute force option just once, to find best starting guess for further aplications, so runtime is not so much constraint for me, I just want to be really sure, that solver will converge.
Thank you in advance.
Jan Žemlička