Handle parameters ofCobb-Douglas with three inputs

Unfortunately, I ran into problems when running my script with the new additions. I get an error message of Output argument “params” (and possibly others) not assigned a value in the execution with “EnvironmentA_steadystate” function. I have seen in "bnds" not assigned, that parameters or variables named the same as Matlab functions may cause the problem, but checking all variables with the which function implies that this does not seem to cause the problem.

I have made the following changes:

  1. Redefined two occurances of exponents in the manner described above (pii and zetta)
  2. Replaced these occurances in the .mod file model equations
  3. Added the following to the steady state file:
    \pi = 1 - \alpha - \beta \quad \& \quad \zeta = 1 - \iota - \kappa
    And an if statement to check whether \alpha + \beta \geq 1 or \iota + \kappa \geq 1

The code ran fine before, and I do not know what causes the error. Can you spot something or have a hunch?

Thank you so much in advance.

EnvironmentA.mod (7.3 KB)
EnvironmentA_steadystate.m (8.5 KB)