Consecutive and identical shocks

Ok! Thanks.
So, in order to implement a Forward Guidance shocks, I have to use:

Nominal_Interest = rhor*(Nominal_Interest(-1)-Nominal_Interestnat(-1)) + (1-rhor)*(rpi*Inflation_H + ry*(gap_gdp)) + Nominal_Interestnat  + e_r_news; (taylor rule)
 e_r_news= e0+e1(-1)+e2(-2);

shock_matrix = zeros(options_.irf,M_.exo_nbr); %create shock matrix with number of time periods in columns
// set z to 1 for three periods via news shocks

shock_matrix = zeros(options_.irf,M_.exo_nbr);  
shock_matrix(1,strmatch('e0',M_.exo_names,'exact')) = 1; 
shock_matrix(1,strmatch('e1',M_.exo_names,'exact')) = 1;
shock_matrix(1,strmatch('e2',M_.exo_names,'exact')) = 1;


And when it comes to 3 periods unanticipated shocks with same size?