Comparing actual data with simulated data


I have read the suggested chat and it is was very informative. Putting my post and the other comments together, my understanding is that option two is correct. Which is estimate the model, use the estimated parameters to calibrate the model, use the stoch_simul command to estimate the calibrated model and generate the simulated data and compare the moments of the actual data and the simulated data. Can you please confirm is my understanding is correct. I also understand that some researchers do more than an eyeballing approach.

You also noted in your comment that

I used the command below for my estimation:
estimation(datafile=Data_demean, prefilter=1, mode_compute = 4,
mh_jscale = 0.30, mode_check,
irf = 40, bayesian_irf, conf_sig = 0.95) y pi i ;

And I used this command to estimate the calibrated model;
stoch_simul(order = 1, irf=40) y pi i;