Change in function dyntable in Dynare 4.5

Dear Werner,

We have changed the interface of the dyntable routine between 4.4 and 4.5. Are you calling directly this function in your mod file? If not can you post our mod file?

In 4.5.x the header of the function is:

function dyntable(options_,title,headers,labels,values,label_width,val_width,val_precis,optional_header)
% function dyntable(title,headers,labels,values,label_width,val_width,val_precis)
% Inputs:
%   options_    [structure]         Dynare options structure
%   title       [string]            Table title
%   headers     [n by nchar]        character array of labels for header row
%   labels      [n by nchar]        character array of labels for label column
%   values      [matrix]            matrix of values to display
%   label_width [scalar]            Width of the label
%   val_width   [scalar]            Width of value column
%   val_precis  [integer]           precision of displayed values

while in 4.4.x, the header is:

function dyntable(title,headers,labels,values,label_width,val_width, val_precis)

So if you call directly this routine in your mod file, you need at least to add options_ as a first argument.
