No, it would not. In case 1, at time t when you produce, you can still decide how to split the capital stocks for production. In case 2, you use the capital stock split that was decided at t-1.
I am trying to solve a similar model (total capital is predetermined, its allocation is not).
I therefore use the timing of the above Case 1 for production and aggregation, but how should I treat capital timing in the two agents (entrepreneur and household in my case) budget constraints?
I use
c^h_t + q^k_tk^h_t=w_t^hl^h_t+q^k_t(1-\delta)k^h_{t-1}+f(k^h_t)
and c^e_t + q^k_tk^e_t+w_t^hl^{d}_t=q^k_t(1-\delta)k^e_{t-1}+f(k^e_t,l_t^{d})
but I have 14 eigenvalues larger than 1 for 12 forward looking variables.