Set up Dynare++

I think I have a problem to setup the dynare++.

What I did:
I added dynare++ subdirectory and mex directory to where I saved the mod file I want to run. The mod file is the example1 in the dynare tutorial. Then I type in " dynare++ example.mod" in matlab command window. But it says too many inputs.

Can anyone help? Btw, I use windows 7. Thanks!

See [Dynare++ example file not working)

Thank you, jpfeifer! There is some progress by using “!dynare++ example.mod”. But another problem comes out. I am not sure what I did wrong.

I first put the following documents in the same file, including the example. mod. Then add that file to the matlab path. Under the path, I ran “!dynare++ example.mod”. But, matlab kept showing “busy” without further results. I bet something was wrong. I aimed to run “plot(dyn_irfp_EPS_mean(dyn_i_K,:))” for the simulation of IRFs.


Please describe in more detail what exactly you are doing and provide all files.

I want to use dynare++ to get some irfs from a higher order approximation. So I was using the example1 from the “DSGE Models with Dynare++. A Tutorial” to learn how to do.

what I did:
I first set up dynare++. I put the documents as attached in the same file, including the example. mod. Then add that file to the matlab path.
Under the path, I ran “!dynare++ example.mod”. But, matlab kept showing “busy” without further results.
I was to planning to run “plot(dyn_irfp_EPS_mean(dyn_i_K,:))” for the simulation of IRFs.

[q uote=“jpfeifer”]Please describe in more detail what exactly you are doing and provide all files.
dynare_simul.m (4.99 KB)
example.mod (739 Bytes)

So when you say “file” you actually mean “Folder” I guess. As you are using order=7, it might take some time to run. On my 16GB RAM machine, it runs, but takes about 10 minutes. So wait at least 20 minutes to see whether there really is a problem (or use a lower order). After that time, take a look at the jnl-file created in the folder when you run Dynare++. If it keeps growing, Dynare++ is still busy.