Cannot find oo_.PosteriorTheoreticalMoments

I wrote the following code:

but I cannot find the result of oo_.PosteriorTheoreticalMoments …

Is there anything wrong?

Yes, you cannot use

When there are no MCMC draws, there is no posterior object to compute.

[quote=“jpfeifer”]Yes, you cannot use

When there are no MCMC draws, there is no posterior object to compute.[/quote]

And…One more question…In stoch_simul(...), we can use conditional_variance_decomposition = [INTEGER1 INTEGER2 ...] , and in estimation(...), we can also use conditional_variance_decomposition = [INTEGER1 INTEGER2 ...] . What’s the difference? If I write both in one mod file, could they give us the same results?

See [Variance Decomposition)