Search for optimal elf ... Note: elf ranks at 51. -------------------------------------------------------- MODEL SIMULATION: Iter: 1, err. = 0.49618, time = 0.08 Iter: 2, err. = 2.2117, time = 0.067 Iter: 3, err. = 0.045682, time = 0.061 Iter: 4, err. = 0.0002178, time = 0.06 Iter: 5, err. = 1.6159e-08, time = 0.061 Total time of simulation: 1.206 -------------------------------------------------------- Perfect foresight solution found. ____________________________________________________________ Diagnostic Information Number of variables: 1 Functions Objective: @(eta)OptEta(eta_name,eta,target) Gradient: finite-differencing Hessian: finite-differencing (or Quasi-Newton) Constraints Nonlinear constraints: do not exist Number of linear inequality constraints: 0 Number of linear equality constraints: 0 Number of lower bound constraints: 1 Number of upper bound constraints: 1 Algorithm selected sqp ____________________________________________________________ End diagnostic information Note: elf ranks at 51. -------------------------------------------------------- MODEL SIMULATION: Iter: 1, err. = 1.6159e-08, time = 0.067 Total time of simulation: 0.067 -------------------------------------------------------- Perfect foresight solution found. Iter Func-count Fval Feasibility Step Length Norm of First-order step optimality 0 2 -1.838344e+03 0.000e+00 1.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 Initial point is a local minimum that satisfies the constraints. Optimization completed because at the initial point, the objective function is non-decreasing in feasible directions to within the value of the optimality tolerance, and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance. x = -5 fval = -1838.34448638269 exitflag = 1 output = struct with fields: iterations: 0 funcCount: 2 algorithm: 'sqp' message: '↵Initial point is a local minimum that satisfies the constraints.↵↵Optimization completed because at the initial point, the objective function is non-decreasing ↵in feasible directions to within the value of the optimality tolerance, and ↵constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.↵↵↵↵Optimization completed: The final point is the initial point.↵The first-order optimality measure, 0.000000e+00, is less than options.OptimalityTolerance =↵1.000000e-06, and the maximum constraint violation, 0.000000e+00, is less than↵options.ConstraintTolerance = 1.000000e-06.↵↵' constrviolation: 0 stepsize: 0 lssteplength: 1 firstorderopt: 0 Total computing time : 0h00m03s Note: warning(s) encountered in MATLAB/Octave code Skipped plotting stage.