Exiting: Maximum number of function evaluations has been exceeded - increase MaxFunEvals option. Current function value: 75.302529 Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.135100e-026. > In dynare_estimation at 407 In liten_estML at 148 In dynare at 26 RESULTS FROM MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD parameters Estimate s.d. t-stat sigma 0.4217 0.0000 3519306.4588 omega 0.1427 0.0079 18.1426 gamma 0.7997 0.1153 6.9384 alpha 1.5473 0.0000 160910781143.7815 beta 0.6246 0.0000 305306506486.3841 rhoy 0.2988 0.0000 557410225763.6591 rhopi 0.2889 0.0000 965461440033.7979 rhov 0.3203 0.0000 3519306.4958 standard deviation of shocks Estimate s.d. t-stat uy 3.3582 0.1851 18.1426 upi 3.4551 0.1904 18.1426 uv 0.2938 1.9100 0.1538 NEXT RESULT Improvement on iteration 34 = 0.000011866 ----------------- ----------------- f at the beginning of new iteration, 41.5889727278 Predicted improvement: 0.000000040 lambda = 1; f = 41.5889727 Norm of dx 8.2156e-005 ih = 1 ---- Improvement on iteration 35 = 0.000000040 improvement < crit termination Objective function at mode: 41.588973 Objective function at mode: 41.588973 RESULTS FROM MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD parameters Estimate s.d. t-stat sigma 1.1729 1069.4508 0.0011 omega -0.8120 722.9545 0.0011 gamma 1.1700 591.2442 0.0020 alpha 1.9567 133.3390 0.0147 beta 0.2296 15.7001 0.0146 rhoy 0.2277 0.1984 1.1481 rhopi 0.9889 0.0182 54.4627 rhov 0.3210 0.4292 0.7479 standard deviation of shocks Estimate s.d. t-stat uy 3.2487 936.2481 0.0035 upi 3.2339 2514.4861 0.0013 uv 0.2946 779.6537 0.0004 NEXT RESULT 315 613 41.5596 shrink Optimization terminated: the current x satisfies the termination criteria using OPTIONS.TolX of 1.000000e-006 and F(X) satisfies the convergence criteria using OPTIONS.TolFun of 1.000000e-008 Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 7.225088e-017. > In dynare_estimation at 407 In liten_estML at 148 In dynare at 26 RESULTS FROM MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD parameters Estimate s.d. t-stat sigma -0.1761 265.0579 0.0007 omega -0.2014 3.8023 0.0530 gamma 0.8396 7.8375 0.1071 alpha 7.2245 37.3107 0.1936 beta 0.3497 6.4879 0.0539 rhoy -0.1998 1.2742 0.1568 rhopi 0.9897 0.0001 10097.3832 rhov 0.4304 1.0266 0.4192 standard deviation of shocks Estimate s.d. t-stat uy -0.6853 751.9654 0.0009 upi -7.1183 1449.7884 0.0049 uv 2.0600 5831.9408 0.0004