UNIX & Matlab

I am working with matlab through UNIX. What do I have to do in order to install Dynare?

Second question - is the Matlab student version enough? what toolboxes do I need?

Thanks a lot.

In order to run Dynare under Unix or Linux, you need to do the following

  1. grab the latest snapshot
  2. recompile the parser in directory parser.src with the following command:

make -f Makefile.linux

If something goes wrong check whether Makefile.linux matches your installation

  1. If you encounter library problems with the mjdgees or gensylv, delete
    mjdgees.mexglx and gensylv.mexglx Dynare will then switch to slower Matlab routines

I will post later instructions on how to recompile mjdgees.mexglx and gensylv.mexglx

