Steady state NaN or Inf

Dear all,

When I run my dynare code (example.mod), it appears that “The steady state contains NaN or Inf”.
But I have also write the steady state code (steadystate.m), and it works. So, I don’t know how to do next.

I really need help. Thanks a lot.


example.mod (9.3 KB) steadystate.m (4.2 KB)

Your steady state file does not conform to the Dynare syntax. Try using a steady_state_model block instead.

Thank you professor. I have revised my code as follows. But it still has error as BK conditions are not satisfied. I guess it may have problems as timing and model, but I have double checked but no error found.
Could you give me some suggestions to solve the problem?

Thanks again for your reply.
Xiangexample_revised.mod (8.1 KB)

Thank you professor. I have revised my code as follows. But it still has error as BK conditions are not satisfied. I guess it may have problems as timing and model, but I have double checked but no error found.
Could you give me some suggestions to solve the problem?

Thanks again for your reply.
Xiangexample_revised.mod (8.1 KB)

Check you timing. If kh is predetermined, then

y = kh^ALPHA* he^NU * ntot^(1-ALPHA-NU) ;

is wrong.

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