Shock decomposition for a Bayesian estimated model

Dear everyone

Thank you very much for your attention. I am doing a Bayesian estimated model. When I tried to run the command “shock_decomposition”, I got these error messages

"Error using load
Unable to read file ‘h4_1/metropolis/jules1_mh_history’: no such file or directory.
Error in prior_posterior_statistics (line 73)
load( DirectoryName ‘/’ M_.fname 'mh_history’])
Error in dynare_estimation_1 (line 821)
Error in dynare_estimation (line 89)
Error in jules1 (line 623)
Error in dynare (line 180)
evalin(‘base’,fname) ; "

But when I did Bayesian estimation, I got these messages
Estimation::mcmc: Write details about the MCMC… Ok!
Estimation::mcmc: Details about the MCMC are available in jules1/metropolis\jules1_mh_history_0.mat.
So I thought the file exists. But why Dynare told me that the file does not exist?

I am very confused with this problem. Any help will be highly appreciated!

The mod file and data are attached.
h4_1.mod (16.5 KB)
hdata.xls (51.5 KB)

It seems you changed the file name from jules1 to h4_1. Dynare tries to find the files under the old filename.


Thank you very much for your quick reply.

I tired again. This time I first got

Estimation::mcmc: Write details about the MCMC… Ok!
Estimation::mcmc: Details about the MCMC are available in h4_1/metropolis\h4_1_mh_history_0.mat

Then, after the impulse response is done, I got the error messages again
"Error using load
Unable to read file ‘h4_1/metropolis/h4_1_mh_history’: no such file or directory.
Error in prior_posterior_statistics (line 73)
load( DirectoryName ‘/’ M_.fname 'mh_history’])
Error in dynare_estimation_1 (line 821)
Error in dynare_estimation (line 89)
Error in h4_1 (line 631)
Error in dynare (line 180)
evalin(‘base’,fname) ; "

I checked and found the file h4_1/metropolis/h4_1_mh_history does exist in my fold. So I am confused about this problem.

Could you give me more suggestions, please? I really appreciate it.

The problem is fixed now. Thank you very much!