Savings/Investment Market Clearing in a Two-Sector RBC Model

Hi all,

I am building a model with one representative household and two production sectors, each accumulating and owning sector specific capital stocks. The representative consumer solves a top level CRRA consumption/saving/labor supply problem and splits consumption between sectors according to a CES aggregate. On the production side the two sectors are made up of a continuum of monopolistic firms operating under monopolistic competition. They decide on production levels to maximize profits, subject to a capital constraint, and make investment decisions subject to quadratic investment cost.

My question is; given that the firms want to invest in capital and the consumer wants to save over time, how is the market for savings cleared in the two-sector setting?

The model produces sensible steady-state results, but breaks down/ becomes jumpy when perturbed. I suspect there must be a timing issue, or perhaps an issue with the savings allocation between sectors:
Kapital_lmmcp.mod (4.2 KB)

Any tips on papers with a similar setup or feedback on what is wrongly specified in the above model is much appreciated.


The “jumpy” behavior seems to come from an insufficient number of simulation periods that does not allow a return back to steady state. Using more periods and dropping the lmmcp solver returns sensible results:
Kapital_lmmcp.mod (4.2 KB)

I would start from there and investigate why the mcp tags do not work.