Hi all,
I am building a model with one representative household and two production sectors, each accumulating and owning sector specific capital stocks. The representative consumer solves a top level CRRA consumption/saving/labor supply problem and splits consumption between sectors according to a CES aggregate. On the production side the two sectors are made up of a continuum of monopolistic firms operating under monopolistic competition. They decide on production levels to maximize profits, subject to a capital constraint, and make investment decisions subject to quadratic investment cost.
My question is; given that the firms want to invest in capital and the consumer wants to save over time, how is the market for savings cleared in the two-sector setting?
The model produces sensible steady-state results, but breaks down/ becomes jumpy when perturbed. I suspect there must be a timing issue, or perhaps an issue with the savings allocation between sectors:
Kapital_lmmcp.mod (4.2 KB)
Any tips on papers with a similar setup or feedback on what is wrongly specified in the above model is much appreciated.