Running with DYNARE 4.4 but not DYNARE 4.5

Hallo Everyone

I have a problem with dynare version. In particular, my program can be ran with DYNARE 4.4, but not for DYNARE 4.5, I do not know why. Could any one help me?

I would attach my full program as (54.4 KB)

In this attached file, it includes a Matlab, namely Main.m, in which I use two command
‘dynare ALEstim_pet’ then it can run with DYNARE 4.4
but later I change to run with DYNARE 4.5 by using the following command as
‘dynare ALEstim_pet nostrict’
but then It can not be executed
Even though I hold the same structure of DSGE for both Dynare version

You are not supposed to have error-commands in your steady state file. Due to a slight change in default parameters for the mode-finder you used, this error is triggered. Instead of

if abs(gammacd/gammacmc-gammamcd) > 1e-9;
   error('The steady state calculations of the consumption relative prices are not correct...');
elseif abs(gammaid/gammaimi-gammamid) > 1e-9;
   error('The steady state calculations of the investment relative prices are not correct...');

return with a a proper error code:

if abs(gammacd/gammacmc-gammamcd) > 1e-9;
    check=1; %set failure indicator
    return; %return without updating steady states
elseif abs(gammaid/gammaimi-gammamid) > 1e-9;
    check=1; %set failure indicator
    return; %return without updating steady states