Problems with Bayesian estimation--->mtimes error

After Bayesian estimation running i meet the following problems.

Error using ==> mtimes
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in ==> lpdfgam at 3
ldens = -gammaln(a) -a*log(b)+ (a-1)*log(x) -x/b ;

Error in ==> priordens at 87
logged_prior_density = logged_prior_density +
sum(lpdfgam(x(id2)-p3(id2),p6(id2),p7(id2))) ;

Error in ==> set_prior at 267
priordens(xparam1,bayestopt_.pshape,bayestopt_.p6,bayestopt_.p7, …

Error in ==> dynare_estimation_1 at 83
[xparam1,estim_params_,bayestopt_,lb,ub,M_] = set_prior(estim_params_,M_,options_);

Error in ==> dynare_estimation at 62

Error in ==> nz_taylor at 266

Error in ==> dynare at 132
evalin(‘base’,fname) ;

anyone help me?
newky.mod (5.67 KB)


try to post the data file, I can’t reproduce the error message without it…
