NaN uising m.file

Hi ,
I tried to use the m.file in order to loop parameters but I get this :" Warning: Some of the parameters have no value
(zs_bar, zu_bar) when using steady. If these
parameters are not initialized in a steadystate file
or a steady_state_model-block, Dynare may not be
able to solve the model… "
But when I use my mod.file in order to determine the steady state values, it works ((zs_bar, zu_bar have value ) , there is no NaN.
I don’t understand the problem . Can you help me to solve it?

Model.mod (8.2 KB)
Model1.mod (3.6 KB)
z_loop.m (5.3 KB) .

Thank you

From what I can see, those two parameters have no value in Model1.mod.

Dear hko,
in Model.mod you assign a value to zu_bar and to zs_bar:

zu_bar= (uLi_bar^(alpha-1))

In Model1 you do not. You only have:

which is meaningless. You need to assign a proper value to zu_bar and zs_bar in Model1 too.