Detailed description of error

68)r= cbeta1 * r(-1) - cbeta2 * r(-2) + (1- cbeta1 +cbeta2)*(cbeta3 *(inflation(+4))-( infl_tar(+4)) + infl_tar(+4)) + eps_r;
69)rhouse = calpha1* rhouse(-1) - calpha2 * rhouse (-2) + calpha3 * r + calpha4 * CRP + eps_rhouse;
70)rfirm = cgamma1 * rfirm(-1) + cgamma2 * (1/4 * r(+3)) + cgamma3* CRP + eps_rfirm;
71)reer = czeta1 * reer (-1) + (1 - czeta1) * reer (+1) - (r -  inflation (+1)) - (rworld + CRP -  (infworldexp (+1))) - czeta2 * b_reer + eps_reer ;
72)CRP =  ckappa2 * (L_nfa- L_gdp) + ckappa3 * (L_NFA(-1) - L_gdp(-1)) + eps_CRP;
73)AD = ciota1 * consump + ciota2 * inv + ciota3 * govcons + ciota4 * x - ciota5 * m;
74)consump = ceta1 * consump (-1) - ceta2 * (rhouse - (inflation(+4))) + ceta3 * houseinc - ceta4 * reer + eps_consump;
75)inv = ctheta1 * inv (-1) - ctheta2 ( rfirm (-1) - (inflation(+3)) ) + ctheta3 * AD (-1) - ctheta4 * ( 1/2 * reer(+4)) - ctheta5 * CRP (-3) + eps_inv;
76)x = cxi1 * ( 1/2 * m(-1)) - cxi2 * ( 1/2 * consump(-2)) + cxi3 * reer (-1) + eps_x;
77)m = cmu1 * m (-1) + cmu2 * AD - cmu3 * reer(-1) + eps_m;
78)inflation = crho1 * inflation (-1) + (1 - crho1) * inflation (+4) + crho2 * ulc(-1) + crho3 * reer (-1) + crho4 * ( 1/2 * consump(-2)) + eps_inflation;
79)ulc = w - (AD - n); 
80)w = ctau1 * w(-1) + ctau2 * AD - ctau3 * (1/3 * unemp(-4)) - ctau4 * inflation(-1) + eps_w;
81)n = Labour( 1- unemp);
82)unemp = cphi1 * unemp (-1) - cphi2 * AD - cphi3 * AD (-1) - cphi4 * (1/4 * unemp(-4)) + eps_unemp;
83)capul = comega1 * capul (-1) + comega2 * AD - comega3 (1/4* (inv(-4))) + eps_capul;
84)rpinv = cpsi1 * rpinv (-1) + cpsi2 * reer + eps_rpinv;
85)E_INFLATION= inflation(+4);
86)past_inv=  inv(-4);
87)E_INFLATION_INV = inflation(+3);
88)E_REER = reer(+4);
89)L_gdp= AD;

dynare apica.mod
Using 64-bit preprocessor
Starting Dynare (version 4.6.1).
Calling Dynare with arguments: none
Starting preprocessing of the model file …
ERROR: apica.mod: line 75, cols 28-67: Symbol ctheta2 is being treated as if it were a function (i.e., takes an argument that is not an integer).
ERROR: apica.mod: line 83, cols 47-70: Symbol comega3 is being treated as if it were a function (i.e., takes an argument that is not an integer).
ERROR: apica.mod: line 68, cols 85-96: Unknown symbol: infl_tar
ERROR: apica.mod: line 68, cols 101-112: Unknown symbol: infl_tar
ERROR: apica.mod: line 71, cols 81-86: Unknown symbol: rworld
ERROR: apica.mod: line 71, cols 98-113: Unknown symbol: infworldexp
ERROR: apica.mod: line 72, cols 46-54: Unknown symbol: L_NFA
ERROR: apica.mod: line 73, cols 49-55: Unknown symbol: govcons
ERROR: apica.mod: line 74, cols 79-86: Unknown symbol: houseinc
ERROR: apica.mod: line 88, cols 1-6: Unknown symbol: E_REER
ERROR: apica.mod: line 90, cols 1-8: Unknown symbol: infl_tar

the unknown symbols are my variables , the values of which are given in the database that I have created. how do I solve all these unknown symbols here?

I suggest you start practicing a simple model, and then build your own model, gradually.

Apparently, you did not define the variables in the var statement.

Yes sir through with this. Thank you.